NAGAP offers two professional development institutes (PDIs) each year, and we are interested in members’ feedback on the timing of each institute. The Summer PDI focuses on GEM core competencies and is geared toward incoming professionals or those who may need a refresher in the specific core competencies pertinent to graduate education. The Winter PDI highlights GEM opportunities and challenges faced by senior-level administrators who typically have five or more years of experience. The survey should not take more than a few minutes to complete. Thank you for taking the time to share your input!

Question Title

* 1. Summer PDI - Generally, what time frame works best for you to attend a 2-day (plus travel) summer professional development institute.

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* 2. Other time frame?

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* 5. Winter PDI - Generally, what time frame works best for you to attend a 2-day (plus travel) winter professional development institute?

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* 6. Other time frame?