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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
My employer/NYC Department of Education (NYC DOE) implements adequate measures to prevent assaults on school bus drivers and attendants.
Drivers and attendants are provided with adequate resources to help them transition back to work after an assault has occurred.
My employer/NYC DOE responds quickly and consistently to concerns about particular routes or students/passengers/parents that present an increased security risk.
Protocols and procedures for communicating emergency situations to students/passengers are easy to follow for drivers, attendants, operations personnel, parents and police.
In general, the amount of time it takes for police to respond to an emergency situation is adequate.
During emergencies communication is normally good for all parties (i.e. Drivers, Dispatch, Police, Schools, etc.) involved.
Installing barrier systems to shield school bus drivers and attendants from the students/passengers is an appropriate and necessary form of protection against assaults.
Security cameras help to make the operating environment safer and more secure for all parties.
My employer/NYC DOE considers being spat on an assault.
Many school bus drivers and attendants fear for their safety and security on a daily basis.
Many assaults on drivers and attendants go unreported due to a fear of retribution by management.
Many assaults on drivers and attendants go unreported because operators are ashamed to let others know.
Many assaults on drivers and attendants go unreported because operators believe that nothing will be done about it.
Drivers and attendants are equipped with adequate knowledge and formal training on how to effectively respond to unruly or hostile students/passengers/parents and situations.
My employer/NYC DOE doesn’t acknowledge verbal abuse and/or threats as assaults.
Management and supervisors are equipped with adequate knowledge and formal training in coaching drivers and attendants on how to respond to unruly or hostile riders and situations.
My employer/NYC DOE has established committees and working groups to address school bus driver, attendant and student/passenger safety and security issues.
Many female drivers and attendants have been sexually harassed by students/passengers/parents.
Most female drivers and attendants do not report these occurrences.
Authority to remove an unruly or disruptive student/passenger from a school bus should rest with the driver or attendant.
Authority to remove an unruly or disruptive student/passenger from a school bus should rest with the school, employer, NYC DOE or local police.

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* 3. My employer/NYC DOE's approach for preventing driver and attendant assaults relies on the following:

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* 4. When confronted with a hostile situation or unruly student/passenger/parent, drivers and attendants are instructed to first:

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* 5. The most effective tool used by my employer/NYC DOE to combat assaults on drivers and attendants is:

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* 6. I receive training and instruction on effectively managing emergencies on the following basis:

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* 7. What type of information does your employer/NYC DOE retrieve during investigations into safety and security related events?

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* 8. Over the past five (5) years, the number of student/passenger/parent assaults on school bus drivers and attendants has, in your opinion:

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* 9. Most assaults are a result of:

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* 10. When female drivers and attendants have been sexually harassed by students/passengers they do not report it because:

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* 11. Please describe any additional policies, procedures, and/or methods used by the employer/NYC DOE to address student/passenger assaults on school bus drivers and attendants.

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* 12. What more can be done to prevent assaults on school bus drivers and attendants?

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* 13. Tell us about any experience(s) you or a co-worker has had with violence on the job.