Family Law Court, Sexual and Family Abuse Survey 2025 for Domestic Violence Advocacy Australia.

This survey is to gather data on the role Family Law Systems are used to inflict more harm by perpetrators of Family Violence. The cases where misidentification has occurred and the instance where children have been ordered to maintain contact with a perpetrator of Family Abuse.

This survey is entirely anonymous all data will be deidentified and used to inform arguments to change Family Law Systems for victims.

You are welcome to leave your contact details which will only ever be used by SAFAR Australia. Your participation is voluntary, it will take about 18-minutes to complete and we appreciate your responses, and respect that talking about these things can be re-traumatising, once you have completed this we recommend that you take a moment to engage in self care.

Please call 1800 RESPECT if you need help to navigate DV systems and supports or Lifeline 13 11 44 for immediate support.

Question Title

* 1. Do you or have you had a matter before the Family Court in Australia?

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* 2. If yes, is your matter currently open or closed?

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* 3. If you did NOT make an application to go to court, why?