Question Title

* 1. What Safe Routes to School programs should MnDOT focus its existing program resources on? More info on current programs and funding can be found on the MnDOT SRTS website: Please rate the programs from 1-7. With #1 being the highest priority for the program and #7 being the lowest priority for the program.

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* 2. Other ideas? Is there something else we're missing that would support SRTS in your community? A helmet program, grant ideas, etc. We'd love to hear your ideas!

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* 3. What resources and tools do you need to support SRTS in your community? Examples include crossing guard training materials, fact sheets on programs, regional training opportunities, funding guidance, etc.

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* 4. We'd love to hear from you! We welcome comments on the draft strategic plan, as well as SRTS programs and anything else you'd like to share to help us improve the Minnesota SRTS program.