Getting to know you

Your information will stay confidential and will not be shared with other groups outside of RESOLVE. 

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* 1. Name of anticipated attendee(s)

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* 2. How did you hear about the Greenwood support group?

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* 3. Please share as much as you wish about what brings you here, i.e. how long you have been trying to conceive and/or your diagnosis. This may help us connect you with others in our community but initially it just gives us an idea of how we might care for you.

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* 4. What e-mail address(es) should we use for you? We will add you to our GoogleGroups listserv for meeting reminders, surveys and special announcements. If you are not seeing messages, check your spam folder and route us into your inbox. You may also post a message to this listserv-- however, expect a slight delay as messages now require moderator approval. This is a new setup to protect the inboxes of our members. You can auto-unsubscribe at any time by clicking the Unsubscribe button at the top and bottom of our e-mails.

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* 5. Would you like to be added to our secret Facebook group? This is another space for people to connect between meetings. 

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* 6. Please share your professional background and/or special skills. We are a peer-led support group run by volunteers since October 2015. We'd love to know where people's skills are in case we need help here or there.

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* 7. Please mark below that you have read and agree to one sensitive guideline. Our current policy for pregnancy or adoption announcements is to inform the group in writing rather than in-person at meetings. This can be shared discreetly with the hosts through the "Status Update & Exit Survey" link on our homepage or by e-mail (  Please don't be shy, we love when people graduate from the group, and as volunteers, knowing about your success is our reward.

We welcome attendees through the first trimester or until the adopted child comes home. At that time, you may also choose to begin meeting with our separate support group for Pregnancy & Parenting After Infertility. It includes alums who have passed through the Greenwood support group and has a secret Facebook group we can connect you to, as well as monthly meetups in the Northgate area. Thanks so much! We look forward to meeting you.