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* 1. Which best describes your industry?

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* 2. What is your role in the organization?

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* 3. Which best describes your healthcare insurance coverage?

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* 4. How many health plans in total do you offer to your employees?

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* 5. Who is your healthcare third party administrator (use multiple checks if more than one)?

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* 6. Which health insurance carrier(s) do you use (check all that apply)?

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* 7. What is the total number of subscribers (employees PLUS retirees) for medical benefits?

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* 8. Which of the following "plan design" strategies are you utilizing to promote healthy outcomes and control your healthcare spending (check all that apply)?

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* 9. Which of the following "employee ownership/consumerism" strategies are you deploying to control healthcare costs (check all that apply)?

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* 10. Which of the following "wellness" strategies are you using to promote stronger employee engagement regarding their personal health (check all that apply)?

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* 11. What is your medical loss ratio (% of premiums spent on medical care versus administration, marketing & profit)?

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* 12. What is the level of fees paid to your third party administrator for healthcare claim processing?

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* 13. Do you have an audit clause in your contract for healthcare insurance coverage?

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* 14. How long has it been since your organization has had an external audit of your healthcare expenditures?

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* 15. If you have had an external audit, which of the following areas were covered?

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* 16. How much money was recovered by your organization on the external audit of healthcare expenditures?

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* 17. Do you negotiate directly with the health systems in those regions where you have a major geographic presence?

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* 18. Do you create "centers of excellence" by contracting with health systems who are recognized leaders in their medical specialty in exchange for a bundled payment agreement?

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* 19. Are you a member of a healthcare coalition/bundled payment organization (use multiple checks if more than one)?

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* 20. Which best describes your use of "data analytics" with regard to your healthcare claims data?

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* 21. Optional: Please provide us with your email address if you would like the survey results to be emailed to you once we reach at least 25 participants. Thank you for participating!