Patient Experience Survey

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* 1. What was the date of your admission?


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* 2. Which ward were you in during your admission?

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* 3. What campus did you visit?

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* 4. My views and concerns were listened to

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* 5. My individual needs were met

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* 6. When a need could not be met, staff explained why

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* 7. I felt cared for

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* 8. I was involved as much as I wanted in making decisions about my treatment and care

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* 9. As far as I could tell, the staff involved in my care communicated with each other about my treatment

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* 10. I received pain relief that met my needs

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* 11. When I was in the hospital, I felt confident in the safety of my treatment and care

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* 12. I experienced unexpected harm or distress as a result of my treatment or care

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* 13. My harm or distress was discussed with me by staff

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* 14. Please rate your experience with the hospitals pre-admission and admission process?

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* 15. Overall, the quality of the treatment and care I received was:

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* 16. How likely is it that you would recommend Mater Private Hospital Townsville to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

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* 17. Could you give some examples of why you gave that score?

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* 18. If you have scored less than a 4, would you like to be contacted by a member of the Quality and Safety team to discuss your experience? If yes, please leave your contact details below.

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* 19. Please leave any additional comments or feedback.
If there was a staff member that you would like to mention, (nursing, administration, housekeeping, food services, volunteers etc) please let us know their name and how they improved your time with us so we can thank them personally.