2022 TSDB Judges

2022 Timber-Strong Design Build Judges

This survey is for people who are interested in or would like to participate as a judge for the 2022 Timber-Strong Design Build competitions occurring at the following ASCE student symposia: Gulf Coast, Southeast, ASCE Region 6, Intermountain Southwest, and Pacific Southwest.
1.Are you interested in volunteering to be a judge for the TSDB Competition?
2.Which competition would you like to volunteer to judge at?
3.What is your first and last name?
4.What is your company name?
5.What is your email address?
6.What is your telephone number?
7.What is your profession?
8.How many years of experience do you have in wood structural engineering design or plan review?
9.How many years of experience do you have in observing wood construction?
10.How many years of experience do you have teaching wood structural design?