We are changing up the awards at our Annual Meeting this year (November 30th at 12pm) to reflect 2020 (and all of its challenges and opportunities). 

Please provide your nominations and let us know why you are nominating that particular business or organization.

Please note that the winner for each category will be chosen by our Nominating Committee based on the nominees we receive here and that the list provided to the Nominating Committee will be curated specifically to represent Greater Lowell Chamber members.

(For a list of our members, please click here.)
Nominations are due by October 23, 2020.

Question Title

* 1. Best COVID-19 Pivot/Product - Please make sure you include the name of the business or organization you are nominating.

(Please provide some background info, for instance how did they pivot or what is their new product?)

Question Title

* 2. Best use of Social Media - Please make sure you include the name of the business or organization you are nominating.

(Please provide a link to their social media and why you feel they've done a great job to inform, market, entertain, etc.)