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* 1. How important is it for Population Media Center to lead the global conversation around global population eclipsing 8 billion people?

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* 2. A good campaign should have measurable goals for improving the world. Please review the following initial possibilities for 8 Billion Campaign goals, and rank them in importance using your own opinion and sensibilities.

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* 3. What are some other possible campaign goals you hope Population Media Center considers as we prepare for our 8 Billion Campaign?

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* 4. Population Media Center recognizes the challenges of human population as it relates to a sustainable future AND has investable programs, in the field, every day, all around the world. We create popular entertainment for universal social and environmental good.

Our work on population can be rightly boiled down to the following major objectives or themes. Please rank them in order of importance, as you see fit.

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* 5. Are you interested in keeping informed around Population Media Center's upcoming 8 Billion Campaign? If so, please provide your email address so we can contact you with updates. If not, leave blank — and thank you for your previous answers.