Parade Rules

Thank you for your interest in participating in 2019 Madison Heights Memorial Day Parade
Saturday May 25th, 2019

The purpose of the City of Madison Heights Memorial Day Parade is to honor those men and women who have fallen in battle serving our Country; and, in doing so have preserved and protected the freedoms upon which our Country was founded. In keeping with the sanctity of this event, the City of Madison Heights has a long-standing Policy of keeping the Madison Heights Memorial Day Parade apolitical by permitting currently seated elected officials that represent Madison Heights, community civic and service organizations from Madison Heights to participate in the parade. The currently seated elected officials who participate in the parade are not permitted to engage in political activities such as carrying of signs and placards or distributing political literature. The City of Madison Heights does not permit candidates for political office and political or special interest groups to participate in the parade. No Parade participants are permitted to identify themselves as political candidates or pass out political literature. The parade is intended to be a civic event for the citizens of Madison Heights, especially the youth of our community, and is not to be a political forum for candidates for political office, and political or special interest groups, political action committees or any other such group.

Assembly Points:Check in will be in the former K-Mart parking lot. More detailed information will follow in the welcome letter.Assembly Time: All group members, floats and vehicles must be at the assembly point no later than 9:30 A.M. If you can come earlier, please do. The parade will begin at 10:00 A.M.Parade Route: From 12 Mile & John R, proceeds North on John R. to 13 Mile rd., turns West on 13 Mile Rd., ending at City Hall (300 W. 13 Mile Rd.)Commercial Entries are required to pay a $50 entry fee to cover the cost of the parade.Memorial Service: to be held immediately after the parade in front of City Hall.Reminder: All floats or parade transportation vehicles are to be supplied by parade participants.Registrations/Cancellations: In order to accommodate proper planning, you may call up to noon on May 10th.Same day registration will not be allowed in the parade.Questions? Contact: Martha Kehoe, Parade Chairman at (248)548-7929

The Madison Heights Memorial Day Parade Committee insists that certain safety precautions be observed by all those entering a float in the parade:Drivers of the floats or vehicles pulling floats must be at least 18 years of age.All floats must be in control of the driver. Braking, stopping distances, and float width must conform to all traffic safety requirements. Vehicles are provided by the sponsor People will not be allowed on any float at any time except during construction. This means no person is permitted to ride on the float during the parade. No Human operated parts are allowed on the Floats The No People rules do not apply to motor homes, busses, or other vehicles designed for safe passenger transport For float construction hints and safety guidelines, the book Parades: How to Plan, Promote, and Stage Them by Valerie Lagauskas is helpful. Other materials may be available in you local public library.