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This free tool will help you develop better habits so that you can take the right steps towards your goals, and the life you want to live. 

Habits are things we do on a regular basis and add up to make a big portion of our lives. So if you're not aware of them, you’re losing a huge opportunity to move forward. This is why it’s so important to make sure that your habits are intentional and move you closer to your bigger personal and professional goals.

A study published in the journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggests that an average of 43% of what we do in a day are habits, things we do automatically without really thinking!

What does this mean for you? It means that you probably have habits that you’re not aware of. Noticing destructive habits and developing better ones can dramatically improve your life and get you closer to your personal and professional goals.  Better habits can free up mental space in your day and allow you to reach your goals with minimal thinking and with less effort. 

The estimated time it takes to complete this exercise: 5 minutes

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