The 4WD Handbook is a comprehensive book that explains how 4WDs work and how to drive them. You can find more here:

This survey explores reader and potential reader views on whether it should become an electronic book with interactive content such as calculators and videos.

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* 1. What's your 4X4 experience level?

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* 2. How familiar are you with the 4WD Handbook?

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* 3. If you have read the 4WD Handbook, please rate the following sections of the book in terms of how useful you find them:

  No opinon Not useful Useful Very useful
Driving techniques
How 4WDs work
Choosing a 4WD

Question Title

* 4. What would you be willing to pay as a one-off for an electronic version of the 4WD Handbook - approx 500 pages - same base content but with interactive features? The print version is $44.95

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* 5. How would you want the 4WD Handbook delivered?

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* 6. If you wanted an electronic version, what would you read it on? (check all that apply)

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* 7. What would you like to see in an electronic version of the 4WD Handbook?

  No opinion Waste of time Maybe Yes please
Calculators eg tyres, engines, towing
Moving diagrams
New vehicle information
Targetted advertising

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* 8. How much would you be willing to pay for updates - for example new techniques, photos, refreshes of content every six months.

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* 9. If you own a 4WD related business, would you be interested in advertising in this publication?

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* 10. On the topic of electronic 4WD publications is there anything else you'd like to say that we'd find useful?