Independent American Communities reader interests survey

IAC is interested in reader feedback and suggestions for improving the website. Please take a few minutes to answer a brief survey.  

Question Title

* 1. How often do you read IAC posts?

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* 2. What types of posts do you prefer?

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* 3. In general, how would you rate the readability of IAC articles?

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* 4. Please rate your level of interest in the following topics.

  Not interested Somewhat interested Very interested
Housing Consumer and Constitutional Rights
HOA Problems and Risks
Power and Corruption of the Association and its Agents
Housing Policy and Legislation
HOA Solutions and Alternatives

Question Title

* 5. How do you use the information provided on IAC? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. In the past year, IAC added advertising (WordAds) to help offset the cost of hosting a website. Now IAC is considering several options to further support its mission of educating and informing housing consumers and advoates. In your opinion, which of the following options should IAC consider? (Check all that apply)

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* 7. In terms of “premium content” subscriptions, which of the following options would be of interest to you?

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* 8. How much would you be willing to pay for a monthly or annual subscription?

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* 9. Please list your suggestions for e-book topics, if any.

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* 10. In terms of user interface and navigation, how can the IAC site be improved?