Hello Friends of Shandaken Parks! The Town of Shandaken Parks and Recreation Committee would like feedback from community members and  visitors as we work to improve the four parks and playgrounds in town. We need your ideas! Please help us envision the future of our parks by completing this

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* 1. Which park(s) in Shandaken do you visit the most?

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* 2. Tell us 3 things that you like about that your favorite park(s):

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* 3. On average, how much time do you spend at the park per visit?

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* 4. How often do you visit the park?

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* 5. What time of day would you most often visit the park?

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* 6. How do you usually get there?

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* 7. What do you like to do at the park? (Check all that apply).

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* 8. When visiting a park, where do you prefer to rest/socialize?

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* 9. Please tell us what you would like to see in the parks. Do you have any ideas for improvements, special park features, services or programming? What addition to the park designs would entice you to use the parks more?

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* 10. Please list any features you would NOT like to see in the parks development and why?

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* 11. What would you like to see in these spaces that would best honor this town?

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* 12. What age group are you in?

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* 13. Do you live in Shandaken?

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* 14. If you are a resident, how long have you lived in the area? (in years)

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* 15. Please tell us what you do in the town of Shandaken

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* 16. What is your ethnicity?

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* 17. Do you have children, grandchildren or otherchildren under your care that you bring to the park?

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* 18. What are your favorite parts of the current playgrounds in the parks? Please list the specific parks that you are referencing.

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* 19. What are your LEAST favorite parts of the playgrounds currently in the parks? Please list the specific parks that you are referencing.

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* 20. What is your child(rens) favorite thing to do on the current playgrounds?

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* 21. What do you think would be the most important play activity to have in the parks? Please choose up to four.

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* 22. As a caregiver/parent(s), what do you look for at playgrounds to make your visit more enjoyable or comfortable? (Please choose THREE of the most important things to you)

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* 23. What type of physical activity do you and/or your children enjoy most? Please choose TWO.

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* 24. Playgrounds are a great place for people of all ages, not just children. Are there any activities within these parks that you feel would be fun for older kids (12+) and adults to participate in?

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* 25. We are considering a natural playground design for our playgrounds.  A natural playground encourages open-ended play using natural materials like logs, boulders, webs for climbing, as well as play equipment built from these materials versus traditional plastic and metal equipment. Would you like your new playgrounds to be natural?

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* 26. Is there unique historical information related to our community that you could envision carrying over into the new playground designs?

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* 27. Do you have a friend or relative with special needs? If so, what could we include in the new playground designs to meet those needs?

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* 28. Would you like updates regarding the park design process? Care to volunteer when we are shovel-ready? Would you like to donate skills/material/labor to this project? Please leave your name and email for us  to contact you as the park development process progresses.

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* 29. Please write any additional comments, ideas, suggestions you have regarding this project, and/or if you would like to volunteer or have any skills to donate.