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As part of receiving the COVID-19 Supplemental funding a regional gap analysis is required. The Southeast Disaster Health Coalition will conduct a comprehensive gap analysis initiative on the recent COVID-19 preparedness & response efforts.  This will allow the Coalition to analyze the data; prioritize gaps; and develop a strategy to build capacity for additional surges of COVID-19 patients in the future or other infectious disease.  Please complete this survey by June 30. Thank you for providing your valuable time and input, it is appreciated!

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* 1. Please provide your contact information

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* 3. Overall Response:
How did the Coalition help your organization during COVID-19?

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* 4. Overall Response:
What did the coalition do that was helpful to your organization during the COVID-19 response?

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* 5. Overall Response: What can the Coalition do better?

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* 6. Response Phase - Supplying Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & Supplies :
How did the Coalition help your organization obtain PPE & supplies during COVID-19?

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* 7. Response Phase - Testing:
How did the Coalition help your organization with COVID-19 testing during the response?

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* 8. Response Phase - COVID-19 Planning Efforts:
How did the Coalition help your organization with COVID-19 planning during the response? (i.e. provide help with overall COVID-19 planning, contingency staffing planning, patient surge planning, continuity planning, supply management planning)

Question Title

* 9. Response Phase - COVID-19 Training Efforts:
How did the Coalition help your organization with COVID-19 training during the response? (i.e. attending the coalition FIT Testing Train-the-Trainer courses or Personal Protective Equipment training)

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* 10. Response Phase - Connecting with the many Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Center for Disease Control (CDC) or Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Guidance and Resources:
How did the Coalition staff or website help your organization connect with the many COVID-19 resources during the response?

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* 11. Response Phase - Coalition communications in meetings, information sharing and e-mails:
How did the Coalition help your organization connect during the weekly meetings, information and sharing, and through e-mails during the COVID-19 response?

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* 12. Response Phase - Reporting in MNTrac, RedCap, Tele-tracking:
How did the Coalition staff help your organization gain access or submit required reports in the different programs?

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* 13. Response Phase - Vaccine Planning & Allocation:
How did the Coalition help your organization with COVID-19 vaccine planning and allocations?

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* 14. Response Phase - Crisis Staffing:
How did the Coalition help your organization with COVID-19 crisis staffing resources?

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* 15. Response Phase - Behavioral Health & Wellness:
How did the Coalition help your organization with COVID-19 Behavioral Health & Wellness resources?

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* 16. What could the Coalition do different during the COVID-19 response?

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* 17. How can the Coalition help your organization in the COVID-19 response, future infectious disease outbreaks or other areas not mentioned above?

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* 18. Once COVID-19 response is over, what areas do you think the Coalition should focus on going forward?

Thank you so much for your participation! If you have questions please visit or e-mail
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