Gympie is one of the most flood prone towns in southeast Queensland, with moderate and major flooding impacting the region every 10 years since records began in 1870, with the second largest flood event on record in the Mary River impacting the Gympie CBD and region in February 2022.

Gympie Regional Council have embarked on a process to gain a better understanding of flood risk, the real cost of flooding to the community, and to identify options and opportunities to manage flood risk - both now and into the future.

As part of Council’s ongoing commitment to community safety and flood resilience across Gympie, we are asking for your input to help with the delivery of the project.

The following questions are focused around the following key areas:
    - General information about you.
    - Your knowledge of flooding and how floods affect you.
    - Your preference on how flood risk is managed.
    - Your desire to learn more about the project and how you can be involved further.

The following survey has 13 questions and will take less than 5 minutes to complete.

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* 1. What is your suburb of residence?

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* 2. How long have you lived in the area?

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* 3. Age group:

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* 4. Have you ever been impacted by flooding in Gympie?

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* 5. If yes please specify:

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* 6. Could you be impacted by flooding in the future?

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* 7. If yes, please specify:

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* 8. What flooding type concerns you most?

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* 9. Who is responsible for managing floods and reducing flood risk?

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* 10. How have you prepared for flooding?

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* 11. What flooding is acceptable to you?

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* 12. Which of the following flood management options would you support for reducing flooding?
(1 = least preferred, 5 = most preferred)

  1 2 3 4 5 not sure
Structural measures (levees / dams)
Land use and development controls
Improved flood information and better awareness
Improved warning, response and recovery planning
Flood resilient buildings (using flood resilient building materials or house raising)
Nature-based solutions (this may include catchment rehabilitation or ‘green/soft’ structural measures)
Do nothing

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* 13. Would you like to hear more about the project and help to inform how flooding is managed across the Gympie region?