Question Title

* 1. When searching for solutions to your issues, what sorts of offerings most appeal to you? Please rank in order of MOST appealing to least

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* 2. Is price always a factor in choosing a solution?

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* 3. Would you ever consider a BETA versions of a programs where you are able to contribute your use experience in the creation of the final product for a reduced fee?

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* 4. In choosing to purchase a Signature Program, what is MOST important for you? 

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* 5. What subjects most appeal to you? Choose all that apply.

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* 6. What are you NOT finding as the solution you would like to see?

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* 7. Is there anything else you would like to share with me about what you struggle with, would like solutions for?

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* 8. If I created a new offering for you in the next 2 months, what type of offering would you most want to see?