Dinner for 8 Selection
Pick a date/time to join in on the Dinner for 8 fun!
Which of the following dinners work for you?
Sylvia Moore in Mesa: Thursday, July 6th at 7pm. Host providing appetizers, protein salad and drinks. Guests can bring side dishes and desserts.
As of 7/4/23, only one spot left!
Adriana Hernandez in Chandler: Friday, August 11th at 5pm. Meeting at Serrano's restaurant, everyone responsible for their own dinner.
Charlotte & Dennis Hazelrigg in Gilbert: Saturday, August 19th at 5pm. Hosts providing main dish. Guest please potluck sides and dessert.
Linda & Tom McKinley in Gilbert: Saturday, August 26th at 6pm. Hosts providing dinner. Guests can bring desserts.
Name of Guests:
Contact Phone Number: