I understand that as a reviewer, I will be asked to rate the quality of the abstract proposals using a standard form and to write substantive constructive comments for feedback to the authors of all proposals that I review. Abstracts will be posted for review by November 17, 2017, with reviews to be completed by December 20, 2017. 

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. I am a current member of ASPE.

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* 3. How many ASPE Annual Conferences have you attended?

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* 4. I have experience reviewing conference abstract proposals.

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* 5. I have previously had abstract proposal(s) accepted at a medical education conference.

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* 6. I am able to complete abstract proposal reviews on the ASPE website.

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* 7. I can complete abstract proposal reviews between November 17 and December 20.

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* 8. I would prefer to review the following types of proposals (Check as many as apply).