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* 1. Are you a current subscriber to Aurora TV?

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* 2. Our contract with Viacom expires on September 30, 2019. The price to receive these channels represents a portion of your monthly TV bill. We would like your input when deciding to renew this contract.  After reviewing all responses we will make the decision that we believe will benefit the majority of our subscribers.

Please note that if the Viacom contract is not renewed, you will lose access to all of the above channels (the contract does NOT allow the option of retaining some of the channels while dropping others).

If we do not renew the contract and drop the above channels, there will be NO INCREASE in TV rates for 2020 (approx $5-$7 per month). If we do renew the contract, the annual rate increase will take effect in January 2020.

What is your preference?

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* 3. If we do not renew the contract and drop the Viacom channels, we may have the opportunity to add some additional, less costly channels to supplement the channel lineup.  Please list any channels that you would like to see added.

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* 4. Name

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* 5. Email