Welcome to JH Technologies DVM6 Digital Microscope Evaluation

Thank you for participating in our evaluation. Your feedback is important. Completing this survey will help JH Technologies better understand the value and importance of the DVM6 digital microscope. I really want your honest and detailed opinion so that I can encourage our factory to consider product updates, changes, and modifications which will be of the most help to users.
I completely understand that your time is valuable. In order to help compensate you for your time JH Technologies and Leica will be offering the following options:

   1)  You will be eligible for up to 15% discount when you trade-in any old digital or optical microscope and  purchase a DVM6 (any model) by December 30th 2016
   2) You will be entered into a drawing for a DMS300 digital microscope to be given away on August 29th, 2016
I also want to encourage you to fill-in the comments sections with as much information as possible. Your impressions are absolutely critical. The more information I have the better and more relevant will be the product updates. The survey should take only a few minutes to complete.
Thank you for your help and insight,
John Hubacz