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This survey is intended to provide inputs from interested parties to the Project Team so they can understand community and stakeholder thoughts on the ideas identified in the Vision and Key Direction document so they can resolve issues and adjust ideas if required as the project progresses. Thank you for assisting by providing your thoughts. The survey should take 5 – 10 minutes.

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* 1. Do you live or own land in the Study Area?

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* 2. How do you feel about the Vision identified in the draft document (page 9)?

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* 3. If you think that it needs to be reconsidered, what parts of it do you think need to be reconsidered, and why?

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* 4. Is there anything that you think is important to the Mildura East area’s development that has been missed in the Vision?

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* 5. The Key Directions see an additional 26 ha of new residential land adjacent to Irymple developed for standard residential uses, an additional 45 ha of land developed with larger lots to the north of the study area and new non-residential uses acting as a buffer between industrial development in Mildura and Irymple’s residential land. Do you agree with the development cells identified for growth (see Pages 12-13, Figure 9)?

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* 6. If you disagree, which cells (see Page 13) do you think should be developed first?

The Key Directions are broken into a number of different themes, each with their own ideas. Please let us know what you think of some of the key directions following. Please see questions 7-25 below. 

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* 7. Provide a ‘supply buffer’ of additional land for development, beyond what is required by policy

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* 8. Direct conventional residential development (usually lots of between 500-800sqm) to areas close to Irymple

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* 9. Direct larger lot growth (lots of around 1800sqm, like Nichols Point) to the north of the precinct to respond to the existing character and increase diversity of housing.

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* 10. Re-imagine the central part of the precinct as a ‘green wedge’, with compatible non-urban uses supported, rather than just farming uses.

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* 11. The creation of ‘canopy corridors’ along key main roads, providing cool and shady active transport links between different settlements.

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* 12. Integration of drainage basins in development cells with local open space and the development of a series of ‘green links’ between Local Nodes to facilitate social connections and movement.

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* 13. Locate required non-residential uses where they can support a distinct identity for Irymple and act as a buffer between residential and industrial uses.

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* 14. Create a new community focal point, in the form of a new parkland, at the highly visible intersection of Cureton and Cowra Avenues where a larger drainage basin is required.

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* 15. Increased integration of urban forest elements to counter increased temperatures.

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* 16. Improve and focus on links to existing recreational facilities and deliver new assets centrally if required.

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* 17. Focus on improving movement links to existing Activity Centres rather than developing new ones.

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* 18. Use the existing rail corridor as a linear active transport connection.

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* 19. Co-locate any local non-residential uses with Local Nodes based around open space and drainage assets.

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* 20. Improve the biodiversity of the area and bring the ‘mallee’ character into landscape treatments in the precinct.

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* 21. Require the integration of Environmentally Sustainable Design outcomes in planning for development cells.

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* 22. Use the northern drainage channel to create an open space link through the area.

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* 23. Prioritise works in the public realm to support a transition from Mildura to Irymple along Fifteenth Street and Cowra Avenue.

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* 24. Establish strong landscape buffers at key interfaces.

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* 25. Discourage heavy vehicle transport and improve bus services.

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* 26. If you don’t think any of these are a good idea, please let us know why! Identify the idea and your reasons for not supporting it here:

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* 27. Are there any issues that the team hasn’t responded to that will need to be resolved to deliver the Vision?

Thanks so much for helping us with the development of this Plan and keep an eye out for further updates.
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