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* 1. Who are you? (responses are only visible to TOPL exec, and we reserve the right to ignore anonymous responses)

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* 2. Trying to fit 3 15 week seasons into a calendar year is nearly impossible.  We're looking at an option to change the length of the season though (since it's just an arbitrary number) to 14 or 13 weeks to try to make the timing more consistent.  This would mean that playoffs would be at roughly the same time every year.  League fees, and number of dropped weeks, would stay the same.  If you want to see how this might work out for 2016-2019, click here.  So, for a TOPL season, would you rather have?

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* 3. In the past, we've skipped the Monday after certain Pinball events/tournaments.  Should we skip playing the Monday after these events in cases where the event is already finished (i.e. tournament ends on Sunday, TOPL is on Monday)?  Check all the dates you think we should skip playing.

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* 4. Which of the following Holidays (that fall on Mondays) should we skip playing on?  Check all the dates you think we should skip.

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* 5. Which day would you rather have playoffs?

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* 6. Any overall comments on how TOPL is being run?