1. On-Demand Webinar - Pre Test

Question Title

Please take a minute to complete this pre-session survey to help ARHP assess the impact of its educational programs. Completing this survey will provide ARHP with an invaluable tool for understanding how health professionals use educational offerings and how ARHP activities might be improved to serve you better.

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* 1. Today's Date:


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* 2. Your primary professional category (choose the one best response):

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* 3. Do you interact with patients?

Case Study:

A 22-year-old gravida 0 who has been in a serious relationship for the past 7 months comes to your clinic. She is currently using oral contraceptive pills (OCPs). Before she started using OCPs, she had irregular periods. She is considering switching to intrauterine contraception (IUC), and she has come to the clinic with her boyfriend to learn more about the method. She has an otherwise negative medical history.

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* 4. What would be your first step when considering IUC for this patient? (select only one)

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* 5. What would you tell this patient about the efficacy of IUC? (select only one)

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* 6. What information would you provide about the advantages and disadvantages of the available IUC options? (select only one)

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* 7. As a result of participating in this activity, I hope to be better able to: