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PROJECT TITLE: Factors Affecting Relationship Satisfaction
PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER: Associate Professor Kate Moore

Dear Participant,

We are currently seeking individuals over the age of 18 years old, to participate in a study conducted by Austin Campbell, a 4th year Psychology student, under the supervision of Associate Professor Kate Moore at Federation University.

The study is designed to explore factors that contribute to Relationship Satisfaction. The results will be used to examine how factors affect the satisfaction of people’s relationships at different stages of the relationship (i.e. early verses long-term relationships). This study will help contribute to knowledge of what leads to a satisfied or dissatisfied relationship, and we invite you to participate. If you decide to take part in this study, you will be required to complete an online survey, which will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You will be asked to provide some demographic information, including age, gender and length of relationship, and to complete a questionnaire to measure aspects of personality (E.g. “I see myself as: Extraverted, enthusiastic”), attachment styles (E.g. “It is easy for me to become emotionally close to others. I am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me. I don’t worry about being alone or having others not accept me), investment in the relationship (E.g. “I have invested a great deal of time in our relationship”) and love styles (E.g. “My lover and I really understand each other”).

Participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw at any point during the survey without explanation. To withdraw from the study at any stage prior to submitting the questionnaire you may close your web browser. Please note, that because this study is anonymous, once you have submitted the questionnaire, removal from the study will not be possible as individual questionnaires will not be identifiable. Submission of the completed questionnaire is deemed to be your informed consent to participate in the study. Responses obtained from the completion of the questionnaire will form a larger database, where no individual results will be reported, only group data. Only the listed researchers will have access to the anonymous data. Data will be stored securely for a minimum of five years before it is destroyed appropriately. Should any publications arise from this research, confidentiality will be maintained and no identifiable information will be used.

There are no specific risks associated with this study, however, as the questions are focussed around relationships, there is a chance that some minor discomfort may arise. If this does occur, it is recommended that you contact Lifeline (13 11 14) to discuss your issues. If any distress persists, it is recommended you contact a General Practitioner. For students of Federation University, you may contact the Student Counselling Service on 5327 9470. Participation in the study is completely confidential and no identifying questions will be asked.

Thank you for your consideration in participating in this study.

If you have any questions, or you would like further information regarding the project titled factors affecting relationship satisfaction, please contact the Principal Researcher, Associate Professor Kate Moore, of the School of Health Sciences:
PH: (03) 5122 8922
EMAIL: k.moore@federation.edu.au

Should you (i.e. the participant) have any concerns about the ethical conduct of this research project, please contact the Federation University Ethics Officers, Research Services, Federation University Australia, P O box 663 Mt Helen Vic 3353, telephone: (03) 5327 9765 or Northways Rd, Churchill Vic 3842, telephone: (03) 5122 6446.
E-mail: research.ethics@federation