Question Title

* 1. Has bladder leakage changed the way you live your life?
Tell us about it.

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* 2. About YOU!

Question Title

* 3. Can we share your story?

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* 4. Would you like to keep up-to-date on Uresta? (product updates, special discounts, and stories)
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Why do we want to hear your story? We are the makers of Uresta® bladder support for women, a leading-edge pessary product designed to provide an effective solution for light bladder leakage (LBL) caused by stress urinary incontinence. We know that 1 in 3 women will experience some form of incontinence in their lifetime and we'd like all women to know that it is common but not normal. And we offer a compact, non-surgical, discreet, and non-disposable solution so you can conquer LBL once and for all!