For each question below, select the correct multiple choice or check box to provide your answer.

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Question Title

* 1. In medicine, _________________________ states that early childhood exposure to particular microorganisms protects against allergic diseases by contributing to the development of the immune system. In particular, a lack of exposure is thought to lead to defects in the establishment of immune tolerance.

Question Title

* 2. True or False?: Microbiota differences have been associated with a variety of inflammatory diseases, indicating that targeting or modulating the microbiota may be a novel therapeutic strategy that could nicely complement established treatments for inflammatory conditions.

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* 3. Pathologies that increasingly affect humans such as ___________, __________, and ____________________ all arise from a failure to control misdirected immune responses against self, microbiota-derived or environmental antigens.

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* 4. ________________ is a term for a microbial imbalance or maladaptation on or inside the body, such as an impaired microbiota.

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* 5. A role of bacteria in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis was identified when the respiratory tract pathogen ____________________ was detected within atherosclerotic vessels. Interestingly, infection of macrophage precursors (monocytes) by this microbe increased their adherence to ______________, and chlamydial lipopolysaccharide was considered a key player in this process

Question Title

* 6. A longitudinal study investigating children with atopic dermatitis (AD) suggested that dysbiosis of skin microbiota occurs during AD, although whether this dysbiosis contributed to inflammation remains unclear. Interestingly, treatment of AD with topical steroids and antimicrobials resulted in the restoration of bacterial diversity by decreasing ___________ predominance in favour of _____________, _______________, and _____________________ species.

Question Title

* 7. Enter your information below to be in the running for the prize for most the correct answers: