Your participation in this survey is critical to address and improve cybersecurity awareness in Oregon.  As you may know, cyber attacks are on the rise.  This survey is designed to identify the greatest needs of the Oregon small business community.  All individual responses will be kept confidential.

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* 1. How many people does your company employ?

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* 3. Please rank your greatest concerns surrounding cybersecurity?

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* 4. How do you provide cybersecurity training for your workforce now? (Please select one)

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* 5. If you have experienced a cyber attack or incident, what was the cause?

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* 6. How and with what frequency do you conduct cyber risk analysis assessments, vulnerability testing, or penetration testing?

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* 7. If you have an opportunity to work with a cybersecurity advisor through the SBDC, what would you be interested in learning about?

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* 8. If you have an opportunity to access Cyber Security training, what topics would be of interest?

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* 9. We realize that many small businesses aren't able to have a full-time security team in place on an ongoing basis. Based on your current business structure which of the following options would you consider?

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* 10. Our team is planning to offer a cybersecurity virtual toolbox. Which tools would you be interested in receiving?

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* 11. We would you like to follow-up with you to help you determine best practices based on your company's situation.  Please rank your greatest priorities as regards cybersecurity.

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* 12. How would you rank the cybersecurity environment in Oregon's small business community today?

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* 13. What is your full name?

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* 14. What is your email address?

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* 15. What is the name of your business?

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* 16. What is the best phone number to reach you?

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* 17. What is the address of your business?

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* 18. Would you be willing to participate in a focus group to help identify cybersecurity needs amongst small businesses?

Thank you for participating!

For more information about the survey, please contact:

Ruth Swain, Oregon SBDC Cybersecurity Coordinator

(503) 491-7658