How can I help?

Thank you for taking the time to fill out my survey. I want to connect with you to understand more about what my work means to you, how I have helped you (and/or your organization) in the past, and how I can help you in the future. My hope is that by tapping into the true value I bring to you (and/or your organization) I will be able to help many more people with my work. This should only take a few minutes to complete.

If you provide me with your email address, your name will be entered for a draw for a $50 Amazon gift card. I am going to give away two $50 gift cards to two lucky winners! Thank you, again.
With gratitude,
Louisa Jewell (If you prefer to just send me an email, please do!)

Question Title

* 1. What impact have I had on your life or your organization (if any)?

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* 2. Did I change your life or your organization? If yes, how did I do that? (in a big or even in a  small way).

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* 3. When you think about the impact I had on your life or your organization tell me more about you and why that was meaningful to you.  How did I help you?

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* 4. What is the best thing I can be doing now to help you or your organization today? What topics are you in most need of right now? 

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* 5. Please tell me a little bit about you. This information will remain completely confidential and will never be shared....

What is your age?

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* 6. How did I first engage with you?

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* 7. What is your gender?

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* 8. What is your highest level of education?

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* 9. What city and country do you live in?

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* 10. What is your occupation?

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* 11. How are you employed?

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* 12. If you would like to be eligible to win a $50 Amazon gift card, please give us your email address here.  

Thank your for filling out my survey! I really appreciate it! 
Louisa Jewell