Dear UDL Enthusiasts,

You have received this questionnaire based on your connection to either CAST, the UDL-IRN (see, or an affiliated organization and your potential interest in establishing a global network of UDL enthusiasts via the UDL-IRN. The UDL-IRN supports the design of equitable, beneficial, and meaningful learning environments for all learners through the implementation of UDL and provides outreach via webinars, the UDL-IRN summit, and smaller events focused on, for example, coaching and implementation.

The UDL-IRN looks to establish a network of global UDL leaders who are interested in growing from one another’s experiences and establishing a strong base of support to help shift educational practices to benefit all learners. In that vein, we are interested in hearing about your experiences with UDL as well as your thoughts on how a Global Partners Committee might enhance communication, interest, and enthusiasm for UDL. Please answer the following questions. In addition, feel free to reach out to Rachel Brody - - or Loui Lord Nelson with any questions. Thank you.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What is your e-mail address?

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* 3. Which country are a resident of?

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* 4. In which countries do you support learning about UDL?

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* 5. What university, school, or organization do you work for/with?

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* 6. What is your role in implementing UDL? (Select all that apply)

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* 7. From what sources do you gain information about UDL?

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* 8. How confident do you feel in your understanding and implementation of UDL?

i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 9. Why is Universal Design for Learning a topic of interest for you?

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* 10. Have you led training on Universal Design for Learning?

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* 11. What are some of the challenges you experienced in the implementation of UDL in your learning environment (classroom, school, district, cohort, etc)?

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* 12. In what aspect(s) of UDL would you like to achieve mastery/ knowledge and skills?

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* 13. What most interests you about getting involved with the UDL-IRN network?

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* 14. How might the Global Partners Committee support your UDL work?

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* 15. Would you be interested in learning more about the April 2018 UDL-IRN Summit?