Mahtomedi Public Schools 2021-22 School Year Health and Safety Protocols Comment Form

Families, staff, and students at Mahtomedi Public Schools may share any questions or additional considerations about our 2021-22 health and safety protocols via this form. These comments will be shared with our district leadership team and the information will help us understand our school community’s thoughts about our 2021-22 health and safety protocols and help us clarify any questions.

The Mahtomedi School Board approved the 2021-22 School Year Plan Health & Safety Protocols which will begin on August 30, 2021.

2021-22 School Year Health & Safety Protocols
August 27, 2021

School Schedule
During the 2021-22 school year, students will attend school in person five days a week. A full-time distance learning option will not be offered during the 2021-22 school year.

Face Coverings
  • Face coverings are REQUIRED for all people (students, staff, and visitors) while inside our school and district buildings regardless of vaccination status. 
  • Face coverings are REQUIRED for all persons while on school buses. All people are required by the CDC order to wear face coverings on all public transportation conveyances (airports, public buses, etc.), including school buses. 

Physical Distancing Mitigation Strategies
  • A minimum of three feet of physical distancing in learning spaces will be used whenever possible.
  • Outdoor spaces for learning and activities will be used whenever possible.
  • Cohorts of students will be used whenever possible.
  • We will utilize alternative entrances and exits in order to minimize large-scale interactions.
  • We will limit visitors and volunteers. 
Cleaning and Sanitizing
We will continue to encourage hand washing and respiratory etiquette practices. Our buildings and school buses will follow a regular sanitizing and cleaning schedule based on activities. 

Reporting Positive Cases & Quarantines
  • Students and staff should stay home when ill or showing COVID-19 symptoms as outlined in the MDH Decision Tree.
  • We ask that families and staff continue to report COVID-19 positive cases in their families.
  • Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 will be quarantined following the MDH Decision Tree.
  • Families will receive notification of positive cases in their child’s classroom(s).
  • Students who are deemed close contacts within the school setting will not be quarantined if all involved students were wearing masks during the close contact period.
  • Students and staff who are deemed close contacts and are fully vaccinated or have had lab confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days do not need to quarantine but should monitor for symptoms.
  • Students who are under health office-directed quarantine (positive COVID-19 test, close contact or symptomatic) will be provided instructional materials during the quarantine. 

COVID-19 Data and Vaccinations 
  • We will resume the use of our district COVID-19 dashboard to report positive cases during the 2021-22 school year.
  • Vaccination Clinics continue to be open and free to the public and according to the CDC, vaccination is currently the leading public health prevention strategy to end the COVID-19 pandemic. Washington County Public Health & Environment is currently holding COVID-19 vaccine clinics for indivi

Question Title

* This form is NOT confidential.  This form is for our students, families, and staff. This information will help us understand our school community’s thoughts about our 2021-22 health and safety protocols and help us clarify any questions. 

Question Title

* Which stakeholder group do you represent?

Question Title

* My comment is related to the following category:

Question Title

* My question or additional consideration about this category is:

Question Title

* Do you have a second comment to share?