From the office of State Representative Steve Bergquist

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* 1. Which 11th LD community do you live in?

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* 2. Our state has a wide variety of needs and priorities which are represented in the state budget each session. However, priorities between the House, Senate, and Governor are often differ, and it takes a lot of work to get to an agreement. As we enter into negotiations, which of these areas should the House prioritize in the state budget?

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* 3. As the legislature considers funding for education, which of these areas do you think requires the greatest financial considerations:

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* 4. There are a variety of ways to address Washington’s Behavioral Health needs. Which of the following should the legislature consider as its top funding priority?

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* 5. Both the House and Senate prioritized housing and homelessness in their budget proposals. The proposed Senate budget includes $298 million to support housing and the immediate shelter needs of the state's homeless population, vs. The House budget proposal of $991 million in housing and homelessness. How important is it to you that the state invest in these services?

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* 6. A large part of our investments in the state budget derives from modifying the state and local real estate excise tax, a bill proposed by Representative Chopp. This legislation would add a new state real estate excise tax threshold, meaning that if the sale of a higher end property is over $5,000,000 then a tax is placed on the portion of the sale above the threshold. This revenue is then dispersed into accounts that invest directly into Washington (i.e. the Washington State Housing Trust Fund, Apple Health and Homes Account, etc.). Are you supportive of this legislation?

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* 7. Please Leave any further comments on the state budget.