Open Mic Night is a creative space for self-expression.
This event is open to teens and adults of all abilities!
On March 5 @ 7pm (ET) You can watch this event live streamed on Facebook on either page: Bristol Riverside Theatre or Noble Earth. You can Also watch on Bristol Riverside Theatre's YouTube Channel. The YouTube link will be available to watch at 7pm (ET) on March 5, go to  
All performers must register by 5pm (ET) on Thursday March 4.
After registering, our event organizers will contact you via email!
If you have any questions email
1.First and last Name?
2.What is your email address and phone number?

3.What will you be performing? Title of selection?
4.At this time performers may only perform virtually. For your information our virtual and in person guidelines are listed here.  Please respond  with typing the word virtual if you have read the guidelines.

You'll need the following:
A laptop or desktop
A recent version of Chrome of Firefox
A mic and webcam
A good internet connection

On the day of the Open Mic an email with a link will be sent out to you by 5 PM (ET).
We ask that you click the link at the designated time noted in the email. This event will be streamed live. We want to make sure you're all connected and good to go. The open mic will start at 7 PM (ET)  sharp.

In person location: Noble Earth
Address:  212 Mill St, Bristol, PA 19007
In person performers are required to follow safety guidelines which include:

Temperature checks prior to entry.

Completing a brief COVID-19 survey. Falsifying answers will result in a permanent ban from all future Bristol Riverside Theatre programs.

Maintaining a minimum of 6ft between any two performers who do not live together.

Wearing a mask at all times other than while performing.

Utilizing hand sanitizing stations before performing.

Providing current contact information for contact tracing purposes.
Agreeing to immediately contact the ArtRageous director Qadriyyah at if you develop signs of, or test positive for, COVID-19 within 14 days of the performance.

In addition:
All performers who are singing or reciting poetry will perform from behind a plexiglass shield.

The microphone and plexiglass will be sanitized between every performance.

We are not hosting full bands at this time; no full drum set ups,

no stacks, etc.

Please keep in mind that this is a small open mic setting with very limited set up time.

All Noble Earth staff and organizers will adhere to COVID-19 safety guidelines. All performers should arrive at Noble Earth at 6:15PM  

5.Are you under the age of 18? If so please include your age.
6.Performer Open Mic Agreement!

Be respectful to those in attendance.

Hateful or violent speech/acts are prohibited.

Self expression is key.

Be mindful of the equipment being supplied

Be ready when called

Follow directions

Try new things and have fun

Believe in yourself

Support each other

If you agree to the performer agreement.
Please type "I (your name) agree " in the text box.

Thank you for registering.
We look forward to your performance!
7.Do you want to be included in our performer spotlight segment during
intermission? We only have four performer spotlight spots available. It's first come first serve.

It's a way for the audience to stay connected with you via social media, purchase merchandise from you (example: music, books, poetry etc. for sale). 
If you want to be included. Send the below information to this email address

What to send:
Artist social media contact info
A headshot photo of you, or performance photo of you
Your website link if you have one
How to purchase your merchandise if you have any
A MP3 sample of your music, poetry, or comedy, a YouTube link is also fine