Question Title

* 1. I completed a self-referral and found the process easy to navigate.

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* 2. I was satisfied with the response time from the headspace intake worker.

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* 3. I am/was satisfied with the care headspace provided me.

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* 4. I would you recommend headspace to someone else.

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* 5. Were you aware that we offer appointments 8.30-5 Monday to Friday and are open until 7pm on Tuesdays?

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* 6. The current opening hours are suitable for me.

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* 7. The options between phone/telehealth/face to face appointments allow me to have better access to headspace.

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* 8. Are you aware that you can be supported to access telehealth appointments during school times?

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* 9. Did you know you can provide more feedback via the feedback form on our website or by calling 5021 2400?