ACT Strategic Planning Sign-up Form

We want to hear from you!

Between October 2022 and March 2023 ACT will be engaging the community in a strategic planning process that will shape our strategic priorities for the future. 

Our planning process will engage people and communities that have experienced historical racism and oppression (e.g., a neighborhood, racial group, immigrant community, faith-based or school community, etc.).  We will strive to include people who have different experiences of Alexandria through the lens of race, immigration, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, etc. 

We welcome your input!  Let us know how you would like to be engaged!
3.I would like to participate in the following:
4.Do you have a preferred language other than English?  If yes, please let us know your preferred language.
Thank you for your interest in ACT's strategic planning process.  We will try our best to engage everyone who is interested.  However, scheduling, participant limits, and other factors may prevent us from engaging everyone in all ways.  Thank you for your understanding.  If you have questions, please contact Heather Peeler at