Westport Complete Streets Prioritization Plan

The Town of Westport is working with Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District (SRPEDD) to prepare a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan. SRPEDD provided an introductory overview of the Westport Complete Streets Program and the MassDOT Complete Streets Funding Program. During the first public meeting, SRPEDD also provided a summary of the existing conditions analysis that has led to the identification of several potential projects throughout the Town of Westport. Find more information here: https://srpedd.org/transportation/complete-streets/westport-complete-streets/

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* 1. Check all that apply:

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* 2. Are you currently a student or parent in the Westport Public School System?

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* 3. Prioritize the order in which you feel Westport, MA should consider Complete Streets projects. Please rank from 1 (Most Important) to 4 (Least Important)

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* 4. The project team with help from the town and public engagement has identified 19 total potential projects. Prioritize the order in which you feel the Town of Westport, MA should consider Complete Streets. Please rank from 1 (Most Important) to 19 (Least Important).

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* 5. Are there any other projects you would recommend be added to the list of potential projects?

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* 6. Is there any other feedback you would like to share with the project team?

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* 7. Please enter your contact information below if you would like to receive project updates via email.