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Hennepin County has retained The Musicant Group to create a rapid response toolkit to support your provision of safe public spaces that foster healthy and active communities. The toolkit will be released in multiple, iterative versions to remain up-to-date. 

As part of this, we want to know what challenges we should direct our attention and creativity to help you the most. Please take this 5 question survey to let us know what you'd like us to focus on and share out to the broader community.

Question Title

* 1. Of the following challenges, which could you and your community use the most support around?

  Serious issue - we need support on this Moderate issue - help would be nice Not an issue - but ideas always welcome
Providing enough COVID-safe pathway space to accommodate all the new walkers, runners, and bikers
How can we turn COVID's spacial requirements into a benefit not a bug
Providing COVID-safe places and activities for youth and seniors now that many programs are cancelled and dedicated spaces closed
Rethinking big community celebrations to make them COVID-safe
How front yards can be used to create more social, vibrant, and healthy communities
How to repurpose outdoor areas and parking lots next to community centers, libraries, schools, tracks/fields
How can we capitalize on the increase in walking and biking happening in our community
How to deepen connection with your neighborhoods and community 
How to support those in need in your community 

Question Title

* 2. What issues, challenges, or opportunities are you facing that you want help with but are not captured above?

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* 3. What community or agency do you represent?

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* 4. Please enter your email to ensure you receive the latest toolkits

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* 5. Anything else we should know?

0 of 5 answered