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Aloha! Thank you all for participating in our first of four surveys last week. We really appreciate your time and valuable feedback! This week's survey will focus on the topic of COVID-19 and its effects on our members.

We are all still feeling the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and would like to engage our members to participate in a series of surveys (4 total) to determine how deeply it has affected our local architecture and interior design community. Each survey will be issued weekly with the last survey around May 28th.

The intent of these surveys is to also gauge member satisfaction and be attentive of your needs, issues and concerns during this time so that we may curate upcoming member events and continuing education sessions. Our goal is to retain our current membership while increasing new membership by adding beneficial and relevant resources and opportunities for you, your fellows and our local community.

The identities of persons taking part in this survey will be kept anonymous. IIDA, IIDA HPC, and persons receiving and analyzing this survey will not have access to any identifying information for those participating.

Our members are very important to us and we would love to hear from you. Our hope in the end is that the information gathered will provide valuable resources for our local architecture and interior design community.

All the best,
IIDA Hawaii Pacific Chapter

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* 1. Overall, how has COVID-19 impacted your firm?

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* 2. In the last 12 months have you been:

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* 3. If you have worked in an office environment pre-COVID, how has COVID-19 impacted working conditions at your firm?

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* 4. If you are working from home, how much longer will you be working from home?

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* 5. Has working from home and connecting with clients virtually made your design work experience operate more efficiently?

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* 6. Have you seen your work/project load:

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* 7. Have you made any change to how you design or approach design during COVID-19 pandemic? If yes, how?

Mahalo for your participation!
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