York BID is working to transform eight of the city’s main snickelways – snickelways are a unique part of York’s identity, but they are also dark, neglected, and attract criminal activity, including drug offences, anti-social behaviour, and violent crimes. We aim to tackle this through a deep clean, installation of permanent festoon lighting, additional cigarette bins, and an education-based project in partnership with York Civic Trust and the University of York to create public art inspired by the history of the city.

The project intends to deter criminal activity, help residents and visitors to feel safe, and improve the appearance and use of the city's snickelways and alleys. It is being supported by grants from the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Safer York Business Partnership and York Civic Trust.

As part of this project, we are keen to hear from York businesses on their perceptions and experiences of the snickelways. This feedback will be crucial in shaping the project, measuring success, and generating additional investment in city centre spaces. Please complete this 2-minute survey or contact info@theyorkbid.com to share your views.

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* 1. Which street is your business located on?

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* 2. How often do you and your staff use York's snickelways to access your business or other parts of the city centre?

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* 3. How safe do you feel York's snickelways currently are, particularly in the evening and at night?

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* 4. Would you advise your staff and customers to visit the snickelways, or use them as a way to explore the city?

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* 5. How clean do you feel York's snickelways currently are?

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* 6. Please elaborate on your responses. For example, are there any specific snickelways or issues that you want to mention? Have you or your staff ever experienced any specific issues while using the snickelways, such as drug litter or Anti-Social Behaviour?

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* 7. Your contact details (optional)