As part of our Industry Linkage Project, Regional Activators are identifying and assisting quantification of social enterprise participants in their regional area to add to QSEC's current data base. The following questions are confidential and for aggregate use only. NO information will be shared with any other parties.  If you have any questions about this form, please contact

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* 1. What is the name of your social enterprise?

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* 2. At what email address would you like to be contacted?

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* 3. Please select the region in which your business is based.

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* 4. What category does your Social Enterprise fall into? *

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* 5. Approximately, what is your annual turnover?

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* 6. How do you measure your impact? (choose all that apply)

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* 7. This question relates to your employees. How many of the following do you employ? *

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* 8. Total FTE's (if known)

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* 9. Are you a jobs-focused business specifically offering employment or volunteering opportunities to people who identify as the following (please choose all that apply).

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* 10. Number of FTE's who relate to the above (if known)

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* 11. How many years have you been operating?

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* 12. Are you currently a QSEC member?

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* 13. Please tick this box if you agree to be contacted by QSEC in the future.

Thank you for completing this survey.