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* 1. How recently have you used Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust Services?

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* 2. Did you give any feedback or make a complaint about the service you received?

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* 3. If you didn't feed back or complain but did experience an issue, can you tell us why you didn't feedback or complain?

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* 4. Can you tell us briefly what issue you were providing feedback or complaining about? If there was something you would have liked to feed back about but didn't, tell us about that too.

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* 5. Do you feel your feedback or complaint was taken seriously?

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* 6. Did you receive a response to your feedback in a reasonable time?

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* 7. If your feedback needed a resolution, were you happy about the outcome?

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* 8. Was there anything that disappointed you about the way your feedback was dealt with?

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* 9. If you answered yes to the last question, can you tell us why?

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* 10. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about your experience of giving feedback on mental health services in Barnet?