Under the authority of the Bylaws of CoreNet Global, Inc., the member of the Northern California Chapter of CoreNet Global, Inc. (the "Chapter") named below hereby acts by this electronic ballot with respect to the matters described below:


RESOLVED that the following slate of Executive Committee Members be elected by the Chapter, to take such position as of April 1, 2019 for their designated term.

Please vote for only one (1) person per position. If you vote in favor of more than one (1) person per position, your vote will not be counted.

The individual(s) receiving the most votes for the designated position shall be elected. There is no quorum requirement. Results will be announced at the annual meeting. Thank you very much for participating in this important process.

Please cast your vote by 9:00AM on Friday, February 1st, at which time the polls will be closed.

Question Title

* 1. For Executive Vice President/President-Elect (EVP), Andrea Tobias

Question Title

* 2. For Secretary, Emily Ransone

Question Title

* 3. For Director-at-Large, Larry Wolfert

Question Title

* 4. Your Name (Confidential)