Gout Support Group of America Survey The Gout Support Group of America is dedicated to improving the lives of those living with gout by offering wellness education, empowerment, and a strong sense of community. We want to ensure our support for the gout community meets your needs. Please take this brief survey, which will take less than ten minutes to complete. Your feedback is vital in helping us enhance our programs and services. As a token of our appreciation: The first 30 respondents will receive a $25 Amazon gift card The next 40 respondents will receive a $15 Amazon gift card All other participants will be entered into a drawing for one of fifty $10 gift cards Please note, you may only take this survey once. Thank you for your time and insights! Question Title * 1. Please enter your full name. Question Title * 2. Please enter your email. Question Title * 3. Please enter your phone number (optional). Question Title * 4. Gender Female Male Non-binary Prefer not to answer Question Title * 5. What is your age range? 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Question Title * 6. What state do you reside in? Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia (DC) Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Question Title * 7. Are you a member of the Gout Support Group of America? Yes No Question Title * 8. I consent to subscribing to GSGA's newsletter and receiving updates on my email. Yes No Question Title * 9. Please select: I have gout. I am completing this survey on behalf of a family member who has gout. Question Title * 10. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree I Don't Know N/A - I'm a caregiver, friend, family I feel like I have my gout under control. I feel like I have my gout under control. Strongly Agree I feel like I have my gout under control. Agree I feel like I have my gout under control. Disagree I feel like I have my gout under control. Strongly Disagree I feel like I have my gout under control. I Don't Know I feel like I have my gout under control. N/A - I'm a caregiver, friend, family Question Title * 11. Please provide a brief explanation or additional content for your response to the previous question. Question Title * 12. What topic would you like to see more information on? Question Title * 13. How do you prefer to receive updates and information from GSGA? Facebook Email/Newsletter Other (please specify) Question Title * 14. What type of resources or information are you most interested in? Please select all that apply. Educational materials (e.g. webinars, articles, blogs, handouts) GSGA Facebook support group discussions Guest speakers Event announcements Volunteer opportunities Advocacy and policy updates Newsletters Success stories and testimonials Other Question Title * 15. Please share any additional feedback or suggestions you might have for us. Question Title * 16. I’m willing to share my story about gout. Yes No Question Title * 17. Please select your level of interest of participating on the initiatives below. Very Interested Somewhat Interested Not Interested Would you be interested in collaborating with industries such as media, health care, government, or pharmaceuticals, on either a paid or volunteer basis? Would you be interested in collaborating with industries such as media, health care, government, or pharmaceuticals, on either a paid or volunteer basis? Very Interested Would you be interested in collaborating with industries such as media, health care, government, or pharmaceuticals, on either a paid or volunteer basis? Somewhat Interested Would you be interested in collaborating with industries such as media, health care, government, or pharmaceuticals, on either a paid or volunteer basis? Not Interested Done