Thank you for using the 21st Century BioChallenges kit - please fill in this short survey.

Thank you for using the 21st Century BioChallenges kit! The resources have been developed to facilitate engagement with current issues in biochemistry, focusing particularly on topics related to health and food security. They have been developed by the Royal Society of Biology and funded by the Biochemical Society.

We would really value your feedback on the activities you tried out, as it will help us continue to improve the activities we create, as well as help us to better guide other facilitators who borrow the kits. Please spend a little bit of time answering the quick survey below – it will take between 5 and 15 minutes to complete, depending on how many of the activities in the kits you tried out. If you have any more detailed feedback please email

Please answer the general questions below then answer any of the questions related to each of the 21st Century BioChallenges activities you tried out (skip out questions relating to activities you have not tried):

Question Title

* 1. Before using these kits have you run similar activities with school/ public audiences in the past?

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* 2. Which of the following categories best describes your area of work?

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* 3. Would you use the kits again to deliver activities?

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* 4. Would you go on to do other public engagement as a result of delivering these activities?

Question Title

* 5. Are there any other topics you would like to see covered in future resources we put together? Please give any suggestions and ideas in the comment box below.

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* 6. Please add any additional comments or ideas about any of the activities/ the kits in the comment box below

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* 7. If you would like to receive a one-off email from the Royal Society of Biology and the Biochemical Society, with more information about what we do, please provide your contact details below.

Question Title

* 8. If you carried out the antibiotics 1 activity:'Antibiotic Resistance', please answer the following questions
Where did you carry out the activity?

Question Title

* 9. Antibiotics 1: Who were the participants ? (please include age ranges, details about their background etc. where possible).

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* 10. Antibiotics 1: How many participants did you run the activity with (in total, can be approx.)?

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* 11. Were the instructions in the Facilitator Guidance Notes easy to follow?

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* 12. Did you have everything you needed to run the activity successfully?

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* 13. Did the participants seem to enjoy the activity?

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* 14. Did the activity allow you to successfully communicate messages about current biochemistry research to your target audience?

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* 15. Please rate any of the resources you used to support the antibiotics 1 activity, on a scale of 1 to 5. If you did not use the resource please just leave blank.

  Poor Excellent
Antibiotic resistance fact sheet
Infection reference chart
Relevant pages of classroom activity ideas booklet