Question Title

* 1. Rank Current Materials. Of the materials OCDEL currently uses to reach families, please rank them in terms of the most impact on families (1=greatest impact, 11=least impact).

Question Title

* 2. Rank Suggested Materials. Of the materials suggested by the workgroup to reach families, please rank them in terms of the most impact on families (1=greatest impact, 7=least impact).

Question Title

* 3. The workgroup recommended "a website that has everything you need where families can post and read reviews." Pennsylvania's Promise for Children website,, is currently being redesigned to do that. What information would you want to find on a one-stop website?

Question Title

* 4. Rank Current Strategies for Reaching Families. Of the current strategies OCDEL and its partners use to reach families, please rank them in terms of the most impact on families (1=greatest impact, 8=least impact).

Question Title

* 5. Rank Suggested Strategies. Of the strategies suggested by the workgroup to reach families, please rank them in terms of the most impact on families (1=greatest impact, 15=least impact).

Question Title

* 6. Please add any other recommendations for reaching families about Keystone STARS and quality early learning

100% of survey complete.