Thank you for responding to the following questions. Your responses will help improve future trainings and other learning opportunities offered by Lifetime Arts.

Question Title

* 2. To what extent did the training meet the following objectives for you?

  Not at all (1) (2) Somewhat (3) (4) Very much (5)
Better understanding of practical creative aging issues, challenges and adult learning strategies
Awareness of national trends in Creative Aging
Familiarity with how to plan and implement creative aging programs
Enhanced connections with a committed group of peers
A heightened personal understanding of the value of arts engagement for older adults

Question Title

* 3. How valuable to you were the following sessions?

  Not at all (1) (2) Somewhat (3) (4) Very much (5)
Day One: Ageism
Day One: Creative Aging Program Models and S.A.F.E planning
Day Two: Demonstration Classes
Day Two: Remote Program Design
Day Three: Partnering with Older Adult Communities
Day Three: Curriculum Development

Question Title

* 4. How did you feel about the length of each training day?

Question Title

* 5. Further comments on any of the sessions above:

Question Title

* 6. The NY State Creative Aging Initiative Teaching Artist Training was designed to include a variety of learning methods and resources. Please rate the effectiveness of each for you.

  Not at all (1) (2) Some what (3) (4) Very much (5)
1. Asynchronous Videos and Prep Materials
2. Presentations/Slides
3. Mindfulness moments
4. Break out room discussion sessions

Question Title

* 7. Were your goals met in attending the training?

Question Title

* 8. What surprised you?

Question Title

* 9. What questions has it raised for you?

Question Title

* 10. What inspired you?

Question Title

* 11. Was there anything not addressed that you wished had been included?

Question Title

* 12. What other suggestions do you have, if any, for improving this training?

Question Title

* 13. Your name (optional):