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Work with William Julius Wilson Institute at Harlem Children’s

Cradle-to Career Intake Survey

Hello! We are glad you’ve found the William Julius Wilson Institute (WJWI) and we are excited to learn more about your work. Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.

The survey will focus on the types of programming that your organization and established partners provide, processes related to accountability, outcomes for the participants that you and your partners serve, and your funding streams. This information will help us contextualize your organization’s work and understand how we can best support it.

This survey asks a series of questions about programming provided (1) solely by your organization and/or (2) through established partnerships with other organizations that may serve the same participants as your organization, at other developmental stages. We are most interested in programming that serves the same participants over time, as they move from one developmental stage to the next. 

Click OK to take the survey and learn how the WJWI will use this information
0 of 131 answered