The Board on Agriculture Assembly is planning to host a New Deans and Directors' Workshop for members who have entered an administrative position since 2013 and any others who would like to learn more about the APLU, BAA, USDA-NIFA, and the Land-Grant University System. The Learning Objectives of this workshop would be to:

* Learn how the APLU, Board on Agriculture Assembly, USDA-REE, and USDA-NIFA work together to advance research, education and Extension.
* Learn how to become involved at the national level to influence federal legislation and decisions made by USDA-NIFA and other agencies.
* Understand the diverse roles of various institutional types within the Land-Grant University System and the Board of Agricultural Assembly.
* Establish strategic networks with colleagues.

If you are interested in attending this event, please answer the following questions to help us better prepare for this meeting.

Question Title

* 1. What is your name and institution?

Question Title

* 2. We are considering hosting this event in early December in Washington, DC. The meeting will last 1.5 days beginning at 8 am on one day and ending at noon the next. Please indicate your preference for the following meeting dates.

Question Title

* 3. Besides gaining a better understanding of the APLU, BAA, and USDA, what other topics would be of interest to you as a new administrator?