The SAN ANTONIO LEADERSHIP Award recognizes supervisors, managers, and department directors in clinical and non-clinical settings, located on the main campus and at our off-site facilities, who contribute to an exceptional care team member experience through their dedication to Excellence with Compassion.
Eligibility:  Nominees are members of the leadership team (supervisors, managers, and department directors).
Criteria:  Nominees consistently exhibit the follow San Antonio leadership characteristics:
  • Consistently honors and upholds all the tenants of the Commitment to our Care Team
  • Inspires and nurtures an environment of growth and development
  • Demonstrates fiscal and operational responsibility
  • Models mentorship behavior

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* I am nominating:

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* The following situation clearly illustrates my nominee meets the SAN ANTONIO LEADERSHIP Award criteria, while demonstrating one or more of the following hospital values - Patient-centered, Compassion, Integrity, Safety, Respect, Excellence.

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* My Information

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* I am a: